AMBER X Smart Personal Cloud Storage Device for Data Media Files
Uncategorized $249.99Rated 0 out of 5
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Please go to our front page of our website, www.nexabazaar.com, and click the “log in” link in the upper right-hand corner, then the “No account? Register one!” link. From there, you will be taken to a “Create a new account” page where you will enter your name and email address and choose a password. We definitely recommend receiving the newsletter – we work hard to make it neat and cool and useful for you – but won’t hold it against you if you don’t want it. Click “Register”, and you’re all set! The Welcome page will give you a brief of some tools you have access too, with a lot more available (addresses, orders, invoices, etc.) via the “Your Account” menu in the upper right. If you would like to create your account right now please follow this link:
We offer a Guest Checkout option for those folks who don’t want to create an account. Just add things to your cart normally and click Secure Checkout from the cart page. You’ll see a ‘Continue as a Guest’ button in the lower left.
If you have an account, make sure you are logged in first. Then start looking for items you wish to purchase, using either the search box in the upper left or the list of categories on the drop down menu at the top of the site. If the product you want is in stock, click “add to cart” to add them to your online shopping cart. If the product is backordered, click the “Backorder” button to reserve one. (Not all products are allowed for backorder.) If you would like more than one unit, be sure the change the quantity before adding to your cart.
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